

沃手工作 | winnowork | Portfolio Categories Installation
沃手・握手,多才的雙方握手合作 聚首的藝術創作工作者,從立體雕塑、動力機械、互動程式不同領域出走,玩轉框限,進而以握手共濟的形式群聚「沃手工作」
沃手, 沃手工作, Art,Interactive,Installation,Performance,Sculpture,Kinetic,Exhibition,Maker,Develop,互動,設計,互動程式,空間,雕塑,公共藝術,動力設計,展覽,開發,藝術服務,創作
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Prismatic Color-In the Days of Seasons

/ 2017


It is the age where monochrome has faded while a diversity of colors is greatly valued. Colors of spectrum symbolize colorful pleasant moments people have shared together and the lights of spectrum stand for truth people have been seeking for. Geometric forms of prisms are irregularly located at the river bank, beaming amiable neon lights, like changings of seasons.


Prismatic Color-Icebergs

/ 2016



It is the age where monochrome has faded while a diversity of colors is greatly valued. Colors of spectrum symbolize colorful good time people have shared together and the lights of spectrum stand for truth people have been seeking for.

A few mountain-like icebergs with natural and designed light build up a dreamy frigid zone. The vivid effect of melting icebergs is attributed to a kind of material, laser film, which creates folding and shrinking of icebergs. The disappearing icebergs represent the fading of good old time.


In the Days of Prismatic Color

/ 2016

光譜原色時代 , 在多彩的日子裡 , 色彩仍美好的年 代。光線透過三棱鏡所呈現的七種原色,是原始的 “pristine” 象徵,代表本真 “originality”。光象徵 真理,而發散美麗光彩的三稜鏡就像闡釋真理的心 智。透過三稜鏡產生光譜的七種原色,提示著真理 的清晰與曖昧難明。作品名稱引用美國詩人瑪麗安 娜·摩爾的詩歌,闡述單純的美好,今日在紛雜的 普羅萬世裡迷茫,然而真理本身依然如昔。

In the Days of Prismatic Color, during the colorful days, the color remains in those good era. Through the prism presenting the seven primary colors, is the original sign of “pristine”, representing “originality”. Light symbolizes truth, and the prism that projects beauty and luster is like the mind behind the truth. Seven colors created by the prism, suggesting the truth is at the same time clear and also ambiguous and difficult to understand. The title “In the Days of Prismatic Colour” takes from the poem by American poet Marianne Moore, describing simplistic beauty, in current times the world is confusing, but truth itself is still as simple as ever.


The Age of Prismatic Color

/ 2016

– 在晝與夜之中召喚城市記憶裡的情慾色彩 –

透過非敘事的錄像與裝置錯置,圍繞在城市空間 / 記憶 / 性別 / 情感。試圖在日治寺願中與現代城市中碰撞,分別在晝與夜當中召喚對城市的記憶和LGBT(同志文化)迷⼈的情感色感。畫出城市空間中的情感色彩。

勤美術館 / 合作計畫

勤美術館 CMP Block Museum of Arts

/ 2016

2016年末,沃手與莊志維的兩件合作計畫 – 微光島嶼、森林裡的洋流 。在此計畫中,沃手嘗試新的燈光控制技術,以生命律動的演算法,衍生同步後的疊合。過程中不斷討論、發想與嘗試,在 <微光島嶼> 中以白光作為主要呈現,串流在色塊中,產生律動;在 <森林裡的洋流> 則以彩虹色為基礎出發,與現場環境產生對應。

< 微光島嶼 >

< 森林裡的洋流 >


planting light

/ 2016


A passageway, a flow of traffic, intersecting. Providing the passing people a little exchange and the city a little warmth via the interactive light installations, creating the link between man and the city. In the bushes beside the sidewalk, is an electrical box net that was intended for only one purpose, through light installation, computer digitized colors, and digitally stylized image analyzing and deconstructing, extending upwards to an error, failure, noise and other digital obstacles seems to be deconstructing the real physical world.


/ 2016



達達的魔法樂園 互動矩陣

DaDa’s Magic Land

/ 2015
