

沃手工作 | winnowork | google-play-app
沃手・握手,多才的雙方握手合作 聚首的藝術創作工作者,從立體雕塑、動力機械、互動程式不同領域出走,玩轉框限,進而以握手共濟的形式群聚「沃手工作」
沃手, 沃手工作, Art,Interactive,Installation,Performance,Sculpture,Kinetic,Exhibition,Maker,Develop,互動,設計,互動程式,空間,雕塑,公共藝術,動力設計,展覽,開發,藝術服務,創作
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本開發者 沃手工作 winnowork 於Google Play上提供之所有應用程式,均符合以下隱私權’政策規範:






All apps provided by this developer, winnowork, on Google Play are subject to the following privacy policy:

When you use the APP function, we will regard the nature of the service function, you provide the necessary APP system permissions, and within the scope of the specific purpose of handling and use of your personal information; this APP will not use personal data for other purposes . I will not automatically record any action on any server, including the IP address of the device you are using, the time of use, the browser you are using, browsing, and clicking on data records.

This APP’s other third party APP’s web link does not apply to the privacy policy of this site, you must refer to the privacy policy in the link site.

The APP will never provide, exchange, rent or sell any of your personal information to other individuals, groups, private enterprises or public authorities.

The privacy policy of this site will be amended at any time in accordance with the needs, the revised terms will be published on the website.