

沃手工作 | winnowork | 後新竹時代 國際地景藝術節
沃手・握手,多才的雙方握手合作 聚首的藝術創作工作者,從立體雕塑、動力機械、互動程式不同領域出走,玩轉框限,進而以握手共濟的形式群聚「沃手工作」
沃手, 沃手工作, Art,Interactive,Installation,Performance,Sculpture,Kinetic,Exhibition,Maker,Develop,互動,設計,互動程式,空間,雕塑,公共藝術,動力設計,展覽,開發,藝術服務,創作
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後新竹時代 國際地景藝術節

新竹首次國際大型地景藝術節。邀集國內外15組藝術家,為新竹後站至1916園區(新竹公園)量身打造地景藝術裝置,展期長達一年,戶外展覽全年無休,邀請各地民眾前往共襄盛舉。 百年城市新竹,從1910年代進行現代化的硬體建設,累積深厚的文化藝術底蘊,陪伴無數的新竹人成長,也包容許多移居來此的新市民。現任市府團隊極力推動火車站後發展,動物園、玻璃工藝博物館將整合為未來的「1916園區」,作為園區即將開幕的前哨,「後新竹時代-新竹市國際地景藝術節」邀請國內外知名的地景藝術家,在站後用優美的藝術作品點亮被遺忘的美好時代,引導來往民眾漫步在藝術的氛圍內,也對未來的「1916園區」有更高的期待。

The first major international land art festival in Hsinchu. Inviting 15 local and international artists, creating tailored landscape art installation from Hsinchu Houzhan to 1916 Park (Hsinchu Park), with an exhibition period of one year, indoor and outdoor exhibition opening to the public every day, all year-round, we invite visitors everywhere to join the festivities. Hsinchu, hundred years of city, modernization of hardware facilities since the 1910s period, accumulating profound cultural and artistic heritage, accompanying the countless people of Hsinchu as they grow and providing for the newly settled residents. The current governing team actively promotes the Houzhan (rear railway station) development, Hsinchu Zoo, Glass Museum which will in the future be integrated into the upcoming “1916 Park”. As the frontier for the park’s opening, “Post Hsinchu, Hsinchu City International Land Art Festival” invites local and international renown artist to light up the forgotten era with elegant works of art, guiding people into an artistic atmosphere, and provide more anticipation for the “1916 Park”




後新竹時代 國際地景藝術節